Tension headache, migraine or cluster headache. Headaches have become so common that they are already part of everyday life for many. About 70% of the population suffer from these complaints, about 25% even regularly. Reaching for a tablet is the most common remedy of choice, and women in particular often carry a small pharmacy in their handbag to be prepared at all times.

How do headaches manifest themselves?

How does it look for you? When was the last time you had a headache? How often do you get them?

Besides the frequency, there are other factors that play a role. How intense are the complaints? Do they limit your performance or even paralyze you to such an extent that you cannot do your work?

In the case of mild headaches, other methods should be tried first before medication comes into play. For example, it can be helpful to get out into the fresh air and take a quiet walk. Drinking enough water can also ease the discomfort. Stress and changes in the weather are, in fact, among the most common causes of headaches and can initially be positively influenced by such measures.

The location is crucial

The estimated more than 180 types of headache have many different characteristics. The area in which the pain spreads is also decisive. This is because it is often possible to distinguish which type of headache it is.

Typical areas are the forehead, the eyes or even the back of the head. We will explain a few distinctions.

Sinus headache

The typical cold headache occurs especially in the area of the nasal and frontal sinuses. The upper jaw and teeth can also be painful. Here it is necessary to combat the cold symptoms and unblock the congested sinuses.

Cluster headache

These usually occur on one side behind one eye and may be accompanied by dizziness. The pain is usually described as stabbing and piercing and is almost unbearable for those affected.


In most cases, migraine manifests itself on both sides. Light sensitivity, nausea and vomiting can also occur. In addition to medication, rest in a darkened room helps.

Tension headache

Here, the pain extends from the forehead to the back of the neck and is characterized by a dull and pressing pain signal. Some patients describe a real creeping from the shoulder-neck area over the neck and the back of the head to the front of the forehead.

We have selected the Kiel headache test for you! With this quick test you can make a first distinction and get a better feeling for your complaints Take the test here.

What can you do against headaches?

In the area of tension headaches, you can very well take action yourself! Because as the name suggests, the cause here is an increased state of tension in the muscles. You can work on this yourself with the help of Backrelease.

If you can’t directly locate the local area of pain, you have to find it first. The best place to start is directly at the base of the skull. This is where many muscles originate. If you move your hands from the back of your neck upwards, you will eventually feel the edge of the back of your head. There you slowly feel your way to the sides and look for particularly painful points. When you have found such points, take the base in your hand, preferably with the small attachment, and apply pressure to the affected area.

Then, following the same principle, go down the muscle strands on the back of the neck and gradually work on the various trigger points.

In the beginning, it may be necessary to repeat the treatment daily until the discomfort is completely gone. However, if you practice regularly and react right at the first signs, the pain won’t build up so much in the first place and you’ll eliminate the discomfort right from the start!

An effective way to manage those pesky headaches without chemical medications!

Laura, physiotherapist for ten years